Monday, May 23, 2011

A New Video From 810 And The Black Sunn's United Division Project Called "Ghost Town"..Submitted By: Matthew Sutton

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Black Sunn & 810 Drop "Ghost Town"
the 2nd Video from "United Division"

             The Black Sunn & 810- "Ghost Town"

Baltimore MCs The Black Sunn & 810 are back with “Ghost Town” the 2nd offering from their anticipated group debut, United Division, as premiered today on Potholes in My Blog.
Dressed as a newspaper salesman and a construction worker in the song’s video, the two DMV-representatives lament the problems in the city of Baltimore – housing foreclosures, police brutality, the ever-growing drug epidemic, among
other things – but also speak about staying positive through it all, uniting the city, and rising above the rubble.
The two MCs refuse to be defined by their surroundings; they are defiant in the face of daily hardship. The Black Sunn admits to not only fighting boredom in Baltimore, but also ducking bullets (and STDs); at the same time, despite the negative influences of what they call a “Ghost Town”, he refuses to fail “and be a ghost above you”. Likewise, 810 declares “I feel like I’m living in the city of Atlantis”, referring to Baltimore’s many boarded up houses and shuttered businesses, but later audaciously proclaims “I’m coming to get it either way”. The Black Sunn & 810 know they can’t do it alone, however, and they call on the rest of the city to unite and begin to overcome the problems of Baltimore together.
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