(VIDEO) Green Day 'Cuatro' The Film Trailer | @GreenDay
Thursday, January 24, 2013
The fellas of rock band Green Day puts together a 2-minute trailer 'Cuatro', directed by Tim Wheeler / produced by Tim Lynch for Farm League. The film serves as a behind-the-scenes look into the making of the groups album trilogy, 'Uno!, Dos!, Tre!'. Watch as Billy Joe kicks off the trailer, which will air in it's entirety on January 26 at Aspen, Colorado's Wheeler Opera House as part of the X Games FILM showcase.
'¡Cuatro!' goes behind the making of Green Day's last three albums. The film will screen Jan. 26 at Aspen, Colo.'s Wheeler Opera House as part of the X Games FILM showcase. Directed by Tim Wheeler / Produced by Tim Lynch for Farm League